More than just a makeup journal, essays and product reviews for moms by a Manila-born writer
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Creativity as a daily necessity
We are not just logical beings. We are also creative individuals.
Creativity is the highest expression of our individuality because it necessitates the use of logic and heart, as well as the use of senses in order to translate in concrete terms our inner thoughts and emotions.
Creativity as an emphatic process needs an outlet so others can get a bigger understanding of the artist in us.
Some use the pen, others by the brush. Others express creativity through makeup wands, while others conceive of new products or ventures to serve a specific function or purpose.
For me creativity is born out of gentle love, a yearning to be understood and an honest desire to make a difference.
It is through creativity that we walk apart or stand above the usual ebb and flow of normalcy.
Creativity as an innate talent is always permissive and never restrictive.
It does not know boundaries for if it does, then you are thinking inside the box. Cliche as it may sound, but creativity is thinking outside the box in order to achieve true self expression, without regard for biases or discrimination.
How on earth can we reconcile the noble purpose of creativity to make a difference in the trivial details of our necessities?
Say in makeup artistry or in manufacture of goods designed to
make us beautiful, healthy or at least confident, how do we go beyond the shallow perception of vanity or commerciality to those who patronize the beauty industry?
For example, a professional cosmetics company goes beyond definition of cosmetics by coming up with products to help customers defy their imperfections.
By having products made to conceal skin imperfections and help gain confidence, the makeup company helps women reinvent themselves.
However superficial cosmetic use may seem to some, makeups give women the first step to change; a beauty makeover can help women to defy age that sometimes sets limits on what one can and cannot do.
Locally, it is creativity that perhaps fuelled a personal and cosmetic company to defy commerciality and use instead natural ingredients in their products.
Their products could have been made not just out of need but out of creativity and want to be different or serve consumers better.
Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored blog.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Getting out of the makeup comfort zone
Trying on a different brand of makeup when you have been accustomed to using several familiar brands, is like walking on unfamiliar territory; you do not know what to expect or what to get from the product.
For conservatives, new makeups can stir feelings of aversion to change.
For the liberal makeuppers, trying out new stuff is a welcome breeze. The more the merrier.
It is never just about makeup having, but discovering how the new find of cosmetics can bring new colors or enhance one's features with a swipe.
When trying out new brands, look for an item that you do not have yet in your makeup bag. Be it an eyebrow gel, lipliner, or primer.
Do not go for your usual makeup staples like if you are into foundation or bb creams, or other more expensive products. Or you have the tendency to compare them with the favorite you are using.
If you're gonna buy from a new brand, get a makeup item that is more affordable. So you won't regret buying an expensive product once it does not meet your expectations.
Most probably if you have been using a certain brand for a while already, you have become brand centric and even if other cosmetic brands with good products come along, they would not really fair well unless you look at makeup from a creative point.
So try new stuff in makeup by making small purchases. You can also read articles about the makeup prior to trying.
Then you will know if a product is worth getting.
Copyright 2017.
The Makeup Philosopher
All rights reserved.
For conservatives, new makeups can stir feelings of aversion to change.
For the liberal makeuppers, trying out new stuff is a welcome breeze. The more the merrier.
It is never just about makeup having, but discovering how the new find of cosmetics can bring new colors or enhance one's features with a swipe.
When trying out new brands, look for an item that you do not have yet in your makeup bag. Be it an eyebrow gel, lipliner, or primer.
Do not go for your usual makeup staples like if you are into foundation or bb creams, or other more expensive products. Or you have the tendency to compare them with the favorite you are using.
If you're gonna buy from a new brand, get a makeup item that is more affordable. So you won't regret buying an expensive product once it does not meet your expectations.
Most probably if you have been using a certain brand for a while already, you have become brand centric and even if other cosmetic brands with good products come along, they would not really fair well unless you look at makeup from a creative point.
So try new stuff in makeup by making small purchases. You can also read articles about the makeup prior to trying.
Then you will know if a product is worth getting.
Copyright 2017.
The Makeup Philosopher
All rights reserved.
The best cosmetic brands
With my favorable tries of Japanese cosmetics, I cannot help but admire how their brands make good cosmetics that's remarkably impressive.
I know many people are way ahead of me in terms of appreciating Japanese cosmetics, but after putting on many Japan-made brands, I simply cannot help but root for their products.
I have tried some of their cosmetics before but they were almost generic brands with shades and quality I like, but not enough to make lasting impression enough to upstage my favorite US brands.
I only did after having tried Naturactor and Canmake makeups, that I have come to see Japanese-made cosmetics in a different level of appreciation.
Maybe because their brands embrace the femininity of women or how they thoughtfully come up with the nicest ingredients in their products.
Maybe its their leaning for "natural" made or their extra attention to details and quality
that make me like their cosmetic products.
But Japanese-made makeups are worth trying at least once or more, if you are a beauty junkie or you have not really bought the best in makeups.
Copyright 2017
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I know many people are way ahead of me in terms of appreciating Japanese cosmetics, but after putting on many Japan-made brands, I simply cannot help but root for their products.
I have tried some of their cosmetics before but they were almost generic brands with shades and quality I like, but not enough to make lasting impression enough to upstage my favorite US brands.
I only did after having tried Naturactor and Canmake makeups, that I have come to see Japanese-made cosmetics in a different level of appreciation.
Maybe because their brands embrace the femininity of women or how they thoughtfully come up with the nicest ingredients in their products.
Maybe its their leaning for "natural" made or their extra attention to details and quality
that make me like their cosmetic products.
But Japanese-made makeups are worth trying at least once or more, if you are a beauty junkie or you have not really bought the best in makeups.
Copyright 2017
All rights reserved.
What women in their forties want from their makeup
The signs of aging come around and whether you have lived well or not, forty is an age of pushing oneself to the limits of youthful ability and making new goals to achieve.
But aging only makes us wary of our limitations as women.
We want to age gracefully that is why women make extra effort to take care of themselves when they are past their 30s.
Makeup thus is a go to diversion and creative statement for women who want lasting beauty and youthful disposition amidst signs of aging.
For makeups and skin care anything that squeal healthy and age-defying in ingredients of a product label, are enough reasons to buy a certain makeup or beauty care brand.
Here are some sought-after ingredients or key words in products we in our forties look out for:
Vitamins A, C, E - we know these vitamins are good for the skin and simply mentioning them in a product would push us to associate it with skin renewal, skin regeneration, etc.
Of course we know that these vitamins are often included in vitamin supplements hence such association.
Collagen - we have read that if we want to keep our skin firm, we know that collagen is the keyword to gain back a youthful appearance.
Natural - or sometimes organic, is another byword for health-conscious women who after trying different brands of products in their youth, realize the goodness of going back to the benefits of nature.
Anything that has natural or "made from nature's best ingredients" in the packaging, would make us pay attention to a specific product when buying.
Pore minimizing- with the countless beauty blogs locally, we older women are now paying attention on what to avoid in our appearance. Wrinkles and pores are no no.
We know that uncared skin make us look old.
So makeup and beauty products that say "pore minimizing" or "pore smoothening" would make a product attractive to us.
Fruity or flower scented - it is an additional comeon for us if we see our favorite fruit or flower included in the ingredient list of a makeup or skincare item. Because this makes us feel right at home with the product.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Managing expectations in makeup and all others
It is easy to relate to buyers who feel short-changed or feel duped when buying a cosmetic product that does not meet their expectations.
When a pore cover fails to cover but instead magnifies
imperfections all the more;
when you look vampy in a lipgloss when you simply expect a reddish sheen on the lips;
when the price you bought the brand for is insane but you buy it still because you love the hype;
and you like the brand, but upon application you're lips look washed out like in photos and you could utterly pass out of paleness as your lipcolor suggests.
It is not a perfect world and no matter how much raved about a particular product is among vloggers, a makeup consumer should always manage expectations not just in makeups, but also in real life.
If you are aiming for product perfection, a wonder do-all for your beauty woes, then you are dreaming your makeup wand can fix your imperfection.
Makeup is supposed to highlight beauty from within.
If you are not confident enough of your beauty and you can't accept your minor flaws, then no other product would satisfy you truly.
It is not about finding the perfect one-- the perfect product but finding which is most compatible or would complement your personality and lifestyle.
Manage your expectations of a product and give leeway for imperfections.
Do not just swap or exchange that makeup on a whim if it fails your expectations . Make adjustments or make new use for it.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
When a pore cover fails to cover but instead magnifies
imperfections all the more;
when you look vampy in a lipgloss when you simply expect a reddish sheen on the lips;
when the price you bought the brand for is insane but you buy it still because you love the hype;
and you like the brand, but upon application you're lips look washed out like in photos and you could utterly pass out of paleness as your lipcolor suggests.
It is not a perfect world and no matter how much raved about a particular product is among vloggers, a makeup consumer should always manage expectations not just in makeups, but also in real life.
If you are aiming for product perfection, a wonder do-all for your beauty woes, then you are dreaming your makeup wand can fix your imperfection.
Makeup is supposed to highlight beauty from within.
If you are not confident enough of your beauty and you can't accept your minor flaws, then no other product would satisfy you truly.
It is not about finding the perfect one-- the perfect product but finding which is most compatible or would complement your personality and lifestyle.
Manage your expectations of a product and give leeway for imperfections.
Do not just swap or exchange that makeup on a whim if it fails your expectations . Make adjustments or make new use for it.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Lipstick layering for not-so-favorite shades
I never like lipstick in red, fuschia or other unconventional colors. Not that I have bias, it just does not suit me.
Hence I mix such colors with other shades or I turn to lipstick layering to make them fit my preference.
Sometimes, the result is just okay, but when it's good combination, it surprises.
I can do so now unlike in my younger years, when there were few lipcolor options to choose from.
Way back in college ('90s era), the brown shades came in vogue; how can I not remember the chocolate brown lipstick which the cool girls wore to school. It was a different look and the gals who wore it stood out from a bevy of college gals.
But for me I have always had penchance for pink or peach which I usually buy with excitement.
I remember my all-time favorite moisture-rich lipstick by Revlon (02- Shell) that I often scour in beauty counters. It is peachy in shade and minty in taste and I liked it.
Perhaps the color has been phased out but the moisture-rich variant can still be found abroad so I was told.
Now when I am given a red lipstick or happen to buy a shade that is not of my color preference, I layer it with a lipgloss, lipbalm or another lipstick to make a new shade out of it.
I usually apply lighter colors of pink or frosted pale pink, or brown to make the shade lighter or softer.
Young ones these days can wear bold colors but for me I am sticking to pink, peach, pastels and nude lippies. Such friendly, pleasant and feminine colors to have.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
For forty something women, must do list to look young
This post does not count forty things but rather enumerates things I realize I should have done, before I begun a makeup diary.
When you are in your forties truth dawns that youthful skin and looks already need some steady work and an appropriate skin care regimen must be followed.
Time is not on the side of an overworked mom and before she knows it, her skin is no longer what it used to be.
Although it is okay to age as it is part of change, like the shifting of seasons- we bloom, grow and mature.
But do we really have to wear our age and flaunt it?
Do we really prefer people to stare and say "she is this age and that..." just by looking?
Is it not suppose to be that we grow old in wisdom, yet keep our heart young, to always feel energetic, and continue to have that drive to face every day with youthful vibe?
I shy at the thought of this blog being categorized as a beauty blog because for me, beauty is beyond skin deep and no matter how much effort you do, people will always have different standards to follow.
But the world is full of people who measure others by the way they present themselves.
Poor or rich we are always talked and evaluated based on our looks regardless of gender.
Hence for those who have not reached their forties, and to moms
who believe that they too have a right to look good as they age, here are some skin care tips for you:
1. Avoid the sun and apply a sunscreen before going out.
2. Apply a moisturizer, that suits one's skin type.
3. Put on a body lotion even before bedtime.
4. Drink water as much as you can.
5. Know the basic skin care practice that is best for you.
It is either you cleanse, moisturize, apply sunscreen and prime before you put on a makeup, or establish your own skin care steps and check it's effectivity before settling for it.
6. Simplicity is always the ideal standard in skin care hence stay as close to natural ingredients and avoid synthetic-laden skincare formula.
I have tried on several different natural diy skincare methods at home and these are my conclusions:
Tomatoes are best to get that young and fairer skin but using a tomato-based facial mask increases sensitivity.
Cucumber is the best choice for a facial mask and can be used regularly, without skin drying effect.
It is nice to combine cucumber with a little amount
of olive oil, as moisturizer but do so at night or before sleep.
A slather of ice on the face also works well if you are concerned about pores that make one look older.
7. Moisturize your hair too.
8. Drink vitamin supplements when able.
Lastly, the secret to feel young I think is to keep on being active and not rest on one's dreams and goals.
Make new meaningful goals to keep you going against age, and against stereotypes.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
When you are in your forties truth dawns that youthful skin and looks already need some steady work and an appropriate skin care regimen must be followed.
Time is not on the side of an overworked mom and before she knows it, her skin is no longer what it used to be.
Although it is okay to age as it is part of change, like the shifting of seasons- we bloom, grow and mature.
But do we really have to wear our age and flaunt it?
Do we really prefer people to stare and say "she is this age and that..." just by looking?
Is it not suppose to be that we grow old in wisdom, yet keep our heart young, to always feel energetic, and continue to have that drive to face every day with youthful vibe?
I shy at the thought of this blog being categorized as a beauty blog because for me, beauty is beyond skin deep and no matter how much effort you do, people will always have different standards to follow.
But the world is full of people who measure others by the way they present themselves.
Poor or rich we are always talked and evaluated based on our looks regardless of gender.
Hence for those who have not reached their forties, and to moms
who believe that they too have a right to look good as they age, here are some skin care tips for you:
1. Avoid the sun and apply a sunscreen before going out.
2. Apply a moisturizer, that suits one's skin type.
3. Put on a body lotion even before bedtime.
4. Drink water as much as you can.
5. Know the basic skin care practice that is best for you.
It is either you cleanse, moisturize, apply sunscreen and prime before you put on a makeup, or establish your own skin care steps and check it's effectivity before settling for it.
6. Simplicity is always the ideal standard in skin care hence stay as close to natural ingredients and avoid synthetic-laden skincare formula.
I have tried on several different natural diy skincare methods at home and these are my conclusions:
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Tomatoes are best to get that young and fairer skin but using a tomato-based facial mask increases sensitivity.
Cucumber is the best choice for a facial mask and can be used regularly, without skin drying effect.
It is nice to combine cucumber with a little amount
of olive oil, as moisturizer but do so at night or before sleep.
A slather of ice on the face also works well if you are concerned about pores that make one look older.
7. Moisturize your hair too.
8. Drink vitamin supplements when able.
Lastly, the secret to feel young I think is to keep on being active and not rest on one's dreams and goals.
Make new meaningful goals to keep you going against age, and against stereotypes.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
What Makes Makeup Buy Worthy
(Edited Post)
With many makeup brands vying against each other for buyer attention and consumer purchase, how can companies gain loyal following among beauty fanatics?
As a simple makeup buyer, these are my considerations: quality, product indispensability and versatility.
Brand reputation may give assurance of quality but these days, consumers are also looking for practicality in every product buy.
Practicality does not always equate to price affordability of a brand but its flexibility to permeate into the daily lifestyle of a consumer.
Beauty junkies cannot always go around with bulky cosmetic luggage. Cosmetic kits are usually small enough to fit in a regular bag.
So when a woman picks a cosmetic - which ones stay and which ones get tossed around for another day use, brands should make sure their products are worth keeping in the daily vanity kit of a woman.
Can your product stand alone and have no need to be complemented by other beauty products? That's indispensability.
For example why would one need a foundation for daily use if a bb cream would suffice to give light to medium coverage; has pore concealing benefits enough to forego a concealer; and a sunscreen protection to do away with messy facial lotions?
Meanwhile why keep a lipgloss when a cream cheek cum lip tint and eyeshadow color, all- in- one makeup would do away with the rest of a woman's cosmetic items? That's product versatility.
And so sometimes I just have to choose which products get to stay in my bag and which to hold on to in the makeup case, 'till spring cleaning comes.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
With many makeup brands vying against each other for buyer attention and consumer purchase, how can companies gain loyal following among beauty fanatics?
As a simple makeup buyer, these are my considerations: quality, product indispensability and versatility.
Brand reputation may give assurance of quality but these days, consumers are also looking for practicality in every product buy.
Practicality does not always equate to price affordability of a brand but its flexibility to permeate into the daily lifestyle of a consumer.
Beauty junkies cannot always go around with bulky cosmetic luggage. Cosmetic kits are usually small enough to fit in a regular bag.
So when a woman picks a cosmetic - which ones stay and which ones get tossed around for another day use, brands should make sure their products are worth keeping in the daily vanity kit of a woman.
Can your product stand alone and have no need to be complemented by other beauty products? That's indispensability.
For example why would one need a foundation for daily use if a bb cream would suffice to give light to medium coverage; has pore concealing benefits enough to forego a concealer; and a sunscreen protection to do away with messy facial lotions?
Meanwhile why keep a lipgloss when a cream cheek cum lip tint and eyeshadow color, all- in- one makeup would do away with the rest of a woman's cosmetic items? That's product versatility.
And so sometimes I just have to choose which products get to stay in my bag and which to hold on to in the makeup case, 'till spring cleaning comes.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
The fairy girly packaging of Canmake Japan
When makeup is not only of good quality, but packaged really exquisitely like a summer in bloom at the palm of your hands, what is not to like or love?
Perhaps one of the most beautifully-packaged makeup brand that clearly appeals to young consumers, Canmake gives all the right impression on Japanese cosmetics.
Their products come like an accessory befitting royalty, lifted right from the page of a fairy tale book.
From its flower print labels, shimmery shades, and lace designs, these Japanese cosmetics took me back to my youth where pastel dreams are made.
Admittingly, it was love at first sight, I had seen my younger sister use Canmake cosmetics way before me. Then, I found them too girly, teeny weeny young for a working lady to use.
But in these days of makeup vlogging and increased feminism, could it be that age no longer matters, makeup is for every
self-respecting women who shuns mediocrity and domestic stereotypes?
Why even moms need a refreshing fun, how else but through makeup time.
Clearly, Canmake Japan tries to embody fun in their products by paying attention to details in their product packaging; giving them extra flair and making them pocket worthy own of a makeup for women.
Their products have a unique look and elegant feminine appeal that make them remarkable despite a plethora of brands.
From the softest sponge of Canmake Japan's marshmallow finish powder; to the tiny handy pore concealer; the lip balm rouge that works not just as a moisturizer but a sunscreen protect too, just a few of the products in their collection, Canmake is truly a delight for beauty belles.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog.
Opinions expressed herein are based on writer's impression, use and knowledge of the product.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
Perhaps one of the most beautifully-packaged makeup brand that clearly appeals to young consumers, Canmake gives all the right impression on Japanese cosmetics.
Their products come like an accessory befitting royalty, lifted right from the page of a fairy tale book.
From its flower print labels, shimmery shades, and lace designs, these Japanese cosmetics took me back to my youth where pastel dreams are made.
Admittingly, it was love at first sight, I had seen my younger sister use Canmake cosmetics way before me. Then, I found them too girly, teeny weeny young for a working lady to use.
But in these days of makeup vlogging and increased feminism, could it be that age no longer matters, makeup is for every
self-respecting women who shuns mediocrity and domestic stereotypes?
Why even moms need a refreshing fun, how else but through makeup time.
Clearly, Canmake Japan tries to embody fun in their products by paying attention to details in their product packaging; giving them extra flair and making them pocket worthy own of a makeup for women.
Their products have a unique look and elegant feminine appeal that make them remarkable despite a plethora of brands.
From the softest sponge of Canmake Japan's marshmallow finish powder; to the tiny handy pore concealer; the lip balm rouge that works not just as a moisturizer but a sunscreen protect too, just a few of the products in their collection, Canmake is truly a delight for beauty belles.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog.
Opinions expressed herein are based on writer's impression, use and knowledge of the product.
Copyright 2017.
All rights reserved.
As good as it gets, makeup fanning uncomplicated
I love Mac Cosmetics because the brand sets the standard high in makeup satisfaction department.
When other brands fail (cakey foundation, sticky lipgloss, etc), Mac delivers. You just have to know the right product and yes, the right shade for you.
Product perfection and variation wise, Mac is the name epitome for makeup love. And once you had Mac, you would never go back. That is at the very least if you can afford their products.
Ah, its not just a whim but an utterly woman's right to own Mac, so a makeup fan like me claims.
But much that I would like to have a Mac only brand in my cosmetic loot, I can not. One it's not that affordable for an ordinary housewife. Two, I am not a celebrity privileged to spend much on makeups.
It is not out of product disloyalty but product matching (whichever suits best one's budget and lifestyle) that I try on other brands, for my usual makeup use.
Even if a have a tendency to be brand centric, I am all for compatibility and creativity of a product.
I am not saying others are of lesser quality, but what I am saying is, there are other options to try based on one's budget and quality preferences.
So Mac for plain housewives are a thing of aspirational acquisition, but if you can spare a thousand pesos for a lipstick for Christmas, a special day to be with loved ones, or buy a Mac studio powder foundation and fight for your right to be well kept and well preemed amidst a clutterly domesticated bliss, why not?
Youth is not just for the young. It is a state of mind in your forties. Mac me pretty. And chase back
one's beauty.
Disclamer: Views expressed are based on the writer's experience of the brand or product. Hence this is not a sponsored blog.
Copyright 2017
All rights reserved.
When other brands fail (cakey foundation, sticky lipgloss, etc), Mac delivers. You just have to know the right product and yes, the right shade for you.
Product perfection and variation wise, Mac is the name epitome for makeup love. And once you had Mac, you would never go back. That is at the very least if you can afford their products.
Ah, its not just a whim but an utterly woman's right to own Mac, so a makeup fan like me claims.
But much that I would like to have a Mac only brand in my cosmetic loot, I can not. One it's not that affordable for an ordinary housewife. Two, I am not a celebrity privileged to spend much on makeups.
It is not out of product disloyalty but product matching (whichever suits best one's budget and lifestyle) that I try on other brands, for my usual makeup use.
Even if a have a tendency to be brand centric, I am all for compatibility and creativity of a product.
I am not saying others are of lesser quality, but what I am saying is, there are other options to try based on one's budget and quality preferences.
So Mac for plain housewives are a thing of aspirational acquisition, but if you can spare a thousand pesos for a lipstick for Christmas, a special day to be with loved ones, or buy a Mac studio powder foundation and fight for your right to be well kept and well preemed amidst a clutterly domesticated bliss, why not?
Youth is not just for the young. It is a state of mind in your forties. Mac me pretty. And chase back
one's beauty.
Disclamer: Views expressed are based on the writer's experience of the brand or product. Hence this is not a sponsored blog.
Copyright 2017
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Aloe vera laced lotion, a second impression on Palmer's
I stress on the need to get to know each product because not all products no matter how much adored the brand is, can actually suit a consumer perfectly.
I was all praises the other day for the new discovery I had when I tried on Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula.
It has a yummy concoction of moisturizer, and just like a perfume it swirls an enticing scent that is hard to ignore and easy to love.
It has a yummy concoction of moisturizer, and just like a perfume it swirls an enticing scent that is hard to ignore and easy to love.
There after I tried on another Palmer's lotion this time, a lotion for sensitive skin. I enthusiastically tried it on.
The lotion was light to medium in consistency and unlike the Cocoa Butter Formula, it does not have a peculiarly attractive scent.
Minutes after I tried it on I felt sudden itching on my arms, in areas where I specifically applied the lotion which claims to be for sensitive skin.
I took a second glance on the product bottle and paid attention on the label. From there, I have read that it is a cocoa butter with aloe formula.
I do not remember trying on a product with aloe before.
Knowing the early warning signs of my skin sensitivity, I cleansed my arm right away to stop the itching. Good that it worked.
So here is a classic example of taking a closer look at product labels. And knowing what works best for one's skin.
Not all products fit all. Brand reputation should not automatically earn loyalty more than product suitability as gauged by the consumer.
In my opinion, it is not the brand but the aloe ingredient that does not sit well on my chemistry of cosmetic tolerance.
But do not get me wrong. I still like (as in smiley like) Palmer's.
Yup not changing my mind, and the good impresssion I had after trying the Cocoa Butter Formula without aloe.
Maybe the lotion with aloe works for others. Trying a variety of products leads to knowing compatibility.
Post script:
I actually researched on aloe vera and I discovered that it can actually cause reactions.
So there I thought, maybe I should not dip my hands on that jar of aloe moisturizer (another brand) now widely popular among beauty junkies.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog. All comments were based on the writer's personal use of the product.
Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
No part of this blog may be copied without prior written permission from the author.
I do not remember trying on a product with aloe before.
Knowing the early warning signs of my skin sensitivity, I cleansed my arm right away to stop the itching. Good that it worked.
So here is a classic example of taking a closer look at product labels. And knowing what works best for one's skin.
Not all products fit all. Brand reputation should not automatically earn loyalty more than product suitability as gauged by the consumer.
In my opinion, it is not the brand but the aloe ingredient that does not sit well on my chemistry of cosmetic tolerance.
But do not get me wrong. I still like (as in smiley like) Palmer's.
Yup not changing my mind, and the good impresssion I had after trying the Cocoa Butter Formula without aloe.
Maybe the lotion with aloe works for others. Trying a variety of products leads to knowing compatibility.
Post script:
I actually researched on aloe vera and I discovered that it can actually cause reactions.
So there I thought, maybe I should not dip my hands on that jar of aloe moisturizer (another brand) now widely popular among beauty junkies.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog. All comments were based on the writer's personal use of the product.
Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
No part of this blog may be copied without prior written permission from the author.
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Essay on creativity
Creativity as a daily necessity
We are not just logical beings. We are also creative individuals. Creativity is the highest expression of our individuality because it n...