Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Advise That a Derma Often Gives That I Continue To Defy

Some skin care routines are basic. Some are made to be relentless to beat ageing.

Who doesn't love a dermatologist advise from time to time?  

Every self-respecting skincare fan would always want that kind of exclusive care instead of the usual DIYs, even when one has found her basics already. 

And that can only be achieved when getting advise from the right authority- a dermatologist.

For me, it's not the skincare products that are the holy grail, but the advise of dermatologists that I've consulted in the past starting my teen years when a simple pimple breakout where enough to ruin a "future".

So I kept it  to heart to follow my dermatologist advise  and these made me surpass the most irritating skin challenges I've had in my single years.  From avoiding allergies to keeping pimple at bay.

But now that I'm in my 49 already, I have managed to defy a basic advise that doctors have given me to keep my skin clear of pimple. 

This is the thing that I have defied for the sake of finding that right routine to curb signs of ageing without trying on cosmetic enhancements, because I am a believer of conservative treatments for skincare.

This is about washing the face with the most gentle of soaps and on a bare minimum frequency, while avoiding touching the face mostly even when it is irritated or in any given skin condition once has.

Most doctors often remind that too much washing of face can cause pimples to come out.  And I go truth lit on this.

But currently, my routine is exploratory,  to try  make my pores smaller despite my age.

And right now the experimentation involves trying out several facial wash and soap products, a combination of lightly-formulated products matched or complemented with fresh products that have new ingredients and it is what I like at the moment.

Before, these helped  in my early years of makeup and skincare blogging:

1.  Gentle FACIAL wash

2. Toner

3.  Facial Moisturizer

4. Sun Block with high SPF

But prior these basic steps, I would prepare my skin such as:

Put on an ice cube.

Rub fresh lemon on my face.

Slather my face with egg mask (real).

Let it stay for 15 to 20 miss then rinse off.

Then apply olive oil on my face as a final prep.

These, aside from the facemask that I put on before bed time. It is so much work really, and it is not for the lazy-hearted.

The skincare routine worked and it helped turn around my skin and look thirty - youngish back in the era of 2016 onwards, prior the pandemic, when complicated skincare routine is the hype among bloggers.

Now, my steps have become so basic except for skin cleansing, where  I manage to try and "might I can", stage.

Here are my skincare basics for 2025:

1.  Pore minimizer in the morning.

2. Apply a tub Aloe Moisturizer after.

3. Cream moisturizer after the rose aloe gel.

4. Sunblock cream whether going outdoors or not.

Mid day skincare:

1. A stronger facial cleanser that has the newest formula and/or try a product out of my comfort zone.

2.  Moisturizer slather generously as the skin tends to get dryer during noontime.

Late afternoon on before bedtime skin routine.

1.  Pore minimizer.

2. Moisturizer.

3. Gentlest soap or facial wash again after an hour or before bed time.

4. 2 to 3 layers of different mosturizers to close my pores.

Some days, these routine seemed magical and special when done after an ample rest and when totally avoiding the sun during outdoor activities or tasks.

Really it takes a lot of of work for ordinary moms since sun exposure is a fact of life and no one can really hibernate that much to enjoy a luxe airconditioned, cooled lifestyle when you're a mom/ blogger and writer at that.

Comment when you can.

Thanks for reading me.

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